Thursday, August 10, 2006


I had my follow-up on Wednesday and the doctor said everything looked good. He said I would still have some pain in the neck for the next two or three weeks, especially when I yawn. He also confirmed that the pain is caused by the removal of the tonsiles and not strained or pulled muscles from the procedure. I will have some grey-brown scabs for a another week but I am not on any restrictions.

The white coating on my tongue was from damange to the tissue and as new tissue grew in the white coating came off. I did try scraping some off early on and it cause more pain than I ever imagined. My suggestion, don't mess with the coating on the tongue. It will come off by itself one morning when you're rinsing out your mouth or spitting up phlegm.

For all those going through this, all I can say is hang in there is does end. I hardly have any pain now.


  1. Wow. that's all I have to say about this blog. I am in day 8 of recovery and my girlfriend found your blog while I was actually in surgery. It has been a huge both of us since she has been my Nurse Betty the entire time.

    When I thought I was having unusual pain, I found your words of wisdom in the middle of the night when I couldn't annoy the doc's assistants. I went through a shattered jaw and thought it couldn't get any worse than that liquid diet. But oh no! The pain of actually swallowing and just BREATHING! The uvulla is the worst.

    So much for the rambling. I simply wanted to thank you for your honest account that has helped a lot of us out here.

  2. Hey your story is very soothing to most people and I have had a tonsilectomy at the age of 23 and its not fun at all but im recovering greatly. Its day 9 for me and I dont really have any pain in the neck region but god i would love to eat something. Scabs had peeled this morning and i was bleeding but i got rid of it so hopefully thats all that will happen but it was great to read up on you and I am glad that you are doing much better and I am on my way to 100%

  3. It's been interesting to read what you went through with your tonsillectomy. I'm 17, and I had my tonsils removed on August 3rd, so I'm still dealing with it. I'm surprised how many little issues have come up. I'm on about my 9th day, and the scabs still haven't come off, I'm still not eating (some soft foods now and then, but once I eat it hurts pretty bad for the whole rest of the day, so definitely not every day), and it's better now, but for a while my uvula was yellow (my best guess is that it got bruised and turned yellow from that). It's been quite an ordeal. Especially since they gave me the paperwork for a kid's tonsillectomy, which isn't as bad as an adult one, so I thought I'd be all better by my 8th day.
    But my point in all that was that it's good to read this and know that it ends. And hopefully, it ends soon.

  4. I am on day 8 after surgery. I am a 32 year old female from Cape Breton. The procedure went well but I have had a problem with the drugs. Morphine at the hospital caused my stats to all drop. They switched me to liquid tylenol with codene. Its was uncomfortable to swallow and I didnt sleep well at night. When I was sent home they game me childrens liquid tylenol with diladid pills. They worked but everytime I woke up I was so dry and it hurt more than ever. Than I got a rash from the pills. Now I am crushing up extra strength tylenol and its awful! I found mixing it into my liquid tylenol 1 spoonfull per pill. My tongue is all white and I panicked but found this website. Now I am informed and going to to let sleep work. I do know its going to get better now. Thank You All from Cape Breton. The procedure went well but I have had a problem with the drugs. Morphine at the hospital caused my stats to all drop. They switched me to liquid tylenol with codene. Its was uncomfortable to swallow and I didnt sleep well at night. When I was sent home they game me childrens liquid tylenol with diladid pills. They worked but everytime I woke up I was so dry and it hurt more than ever. Than I got a rash from the pills. Now I am crushing up extra strength tylenol and its awful! I found mixing it into my liquid tylenol 1 spoonfull per pill. My tongue is all white and I panicked but found this website. Now I am informed and going to to let sleep work. I do know its going to get better now. Thank You All

  5. I am now on day 6 of my recovery,don't get scared from all the blogs,no,it's not easy days1-5 was worst for me but I am much better today.Still a little pain in the ear and it hurt when I swallow because my mouth is still irritated advice would be to pray and trust God,he will bring you through it.
