Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Recovery Day 7

One week later...

It has actually been my best day since the surgery. I was hurting this morning but it was mostly at the back of my tongue and jaw bone all the way up to my ear. I also felt like there was something stuck in the back of my throat.

As the day progressed, I used cold and hot packs to ease the pain in my jaw. It hurts most at the end of a swallow. I get the same pain when I try to smile, must be a pulled muscle or something. Anyway, heat really makes that feel better. I also noticed that if I support the throat just below the jaw, it reduces the pain when swallowing. Go figure...

I ate noodle soup for dinner, an entire serving. It hurt a little but not more than my desire to eat.

I also had tea in the evening and it went down very well. I would recommend trying tea earlier on for anyone going through this.

If tonight goes as well as the day had I am going to see if I can sleep through the night without any Codeine.

One interesting note, my sinus congestion has been nil, maybe it's the Codeine, I don't know, but I haven't been so clear in ages. I would love this to be a result of losing my tonsiles but I'm not usually that lucky.

Anyway, just to check in on the pain levels for the day:
Swallowing: 4ish
Throat: 3-5
Jaw: 3-5, only when swallowing or smiling

Uvula: is back to normal size and I can breath laying down on my back

And that's it for day 7.


  1. I am having my tonsillectomy on Tues 8/28/07. When you recommended drinking tea sooner are you drinking warm tea or iced tea? Thanks for sharing your experience. I helps me prepare for what to expect. Sounds extremely painful.

  2. Hi there, I'm a 20 year old female who just had an adenoid and tonsillectomy on Aug 3, 2009, so I guess I'm on day 6? I feel your pains in this blog, and I'm sure it was extremely hard being 37 and having to recover. This morning I think I started to hack up something from the back of my throat, but it feels like it's still there...any idea what it is? It doesn't really feel like it's where my tonsils once were, it feelsl like something else. It tastes absolutely awful. Also, the jaw and ear pain is so strange! My mom is going to buy some hot packs for me now.
    Thanks for writing the blog!

  3. hi there i am 20 years old i am on day 7 and the pain is still pretty bad. my throat feels really tight and it feels like there is something in the back of my throat. i threw up on the night of my 3rd day all stomach acid the pain was so bad i was shaking for 20 minutes. i was wondering on what day does the pain really start to go away

  4. I just wandered onto your blog, It seems like it is pretty old, but I had my tonsillectomy 6 days ago. 06/30/10. Today I have gotten by on minimal pain meds, lots of water. I managed to eat half of a personal pizza, and later a couple of bites of a cheeseburger. I heard that on the 7th day your scabs start to fall off, and then your in the worst pain ever. I am now hopeful because of your blog, that tomorrow will be better than today. Here is hoping. :)

  5. Hi, I am a 23 year old female ending my 6th day of a toncillectomy. Pain was the worst for me the 3rd and 4th day but as long as I stayed on schedule with pain meds it was bearable. I am experiencing the ear and jaw pain as well but am able to just take tylenol for the pain. My scab on the right side has came off still waiting for the left side. My advice for those about to go through this drink lots of fluid it hurts at first but will make you feel better later! Popsicles are great the first few days and I have found soft bean burritos easy to eat . Just take it easy for the first week watch movies or read and stay on track with the pain meds you will hurt if you let them wear off! Also I found sleeping in the recliner with my head elevated comfortable ... becareful about letting your throat dry up at night keep water next to you at all times (cool-room temp) ... good luck iust relax I was way nervous before my surgery but its not as bad as I expected not fun but well worth it as my nasal is clearer than it has been in years also! Lastly when the pain is at its worst don't tense up lay back, take deep relaxing breath and suck on a popsicle while you wait for the pain meds to kick in!

  6. hi, i ma a 24 year old male who had his tonsils taken out 7days ago.Everything has been normal up untill this morning in which i woke up choking with a bitter tasting liquid running down my throat.I started to cough up blood and was bleeding for almost 20 min. Does anyone know whether or not this is normal, or should I be concerned. I have also noticed that my tongue is unusually white and still very swollen. If You have any advice it would help. thank you

    1. It is normal, i had that today as well, im on day 6 though

  7. It is 06/14/11 today is my 7th day after tonsillectomy including surgery day. I am 22 years old. I went into surgery scared out of my mind. The first 5 days were painful, but not as bad as I thought it would be, but then yesterday on day 6 I all of a sudden started to bleed... Bad. I kept swallowing it thinking it was drainage from my nose or something until it kept coming so i looked in the mirror and saw complete blood. So I took cold water and swished it around and spit it out a coupletimes, then took a drink of ice cold water. I didn't have an ice pack so I grabbed some hamburger meat out of the freezer and held it to my throat while taking drinks of cold water. I ended up getting the bleeding to stop before 10-15 mins or so. I still ended up going to the emergency room just invade. Because everything I had read about said if you bleed a bright red go immediately because your tonsils are so close to an artery. Which freaked me out. I ended up being dehydrated so I had an I.v. Put in for a while and have been trying to drink a drink of water about every 10 mins or so since. I haven't been able to relax or sleep because I'm so scared to start bleeding again. Good luck to you all who are going through this or are about to go through this! It is painful, but I'm sure when I am completely healed I will be happy I made the decision to get this operation done.

  8. omg! you're a life saver!! I'm 20 and it's been, well 6, almost 7 days since I had my tonsillectomy, i KNOW everything you have gone through. and it's SO much comfort to know i'm not alone the only thing i've been having trouble with the past day is A LOT of coughing A LOT. It's really annoying to the point where I gag and then i can feel things spasm and it hurts SO SO bad. I hope it's just the healing process cause it itches too. thats part of why i start coughing. My doctor's supposed to call tomorrow...we'll see. You're amazing :) thanks for the hope! :D

  9. Day 7 Tonsilectomy aged 51! This morning was awful! head, throat, jaw, teeth, all aching. Still on regular meds, but the info about keeping the throat wet in the night is good as I think mine dried out last night. The scraping at the base of the tougue is dreadful and I hope I am on the way up now. Thank you guys for all your comments helped me no end. :)

  10. Im also on day 6 including the day of the surgery for my tonsillectomy. I can say the pain im getting used too. Today i woke up with terrible ear pains which hurt more than my throat. The medicine made it a little better. Foods dont taste the same and neither does the smell match to the food. All my senses are messed up! Talking is a struggle from time to time. I sound like im deaf though. Im hoping the worst is behind me and that this was worth it. Ive never had any othr surgery to relate to the pain so this pain is worst ive ever felt. All im worried about now is when the scabs start coming off and when they do, will it feel like it did around day 3 or 4??? But thanks for the blogging!

  11. Hi im on day 7, im 45 years old. i can honestly say this is the worst pain i have ever been in. As i cannot take any narcotics and i am only on paracetemol with codeine i think i am really feeling it. I have basically not eaten for 7 days, today even drinking is painful. I have'nt pooed for 7days. The doctor has changed my meds today and i am on tramadol, which seems to take the edge off the pain.The jaw pain, ear and would you beleive even my teeth hurt is getting unbearable. I really hope tomorrow is a better day. Not to mention at the moment in Melbounre we are having a heat wave of around 40 degrees every day.

  12. Im on day 7. Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? Every day I feel like I get worse and worse. Today I was in the least pain since surgery but I'm getting frustrated that I can't talk. Mostly because I'm usually a chatterbox, and I'm starting to get cabin fever. Also, I've lost 12lbs because eating anything is unbearable. This is the worst pain I've ever experienced. I'm just hoping this is over soon.

  13. Hi, Im 37 years old and on day 7 after my toncilectomy. I have just noticed my toncil bed is very white and it feels like somethings stuck in the back of my throat when i try to swallow. Totally had enough of this pain Know, I havent sleept in 2 nights as my pain seems to be worse at night. I do find chewing gum helps a lot as it keeps your mouth moist and takes away the horrible taste in my mouth. Just hope i feel better soon. On top of the pain Im feeling also dosed with the cold. I have had enough!

  14. im on day 6 of recovery including surgery day i am in complete agony i thought yesterday evening i was starting to get better but not this morning. worst psin ever

  15. I'm on day 7 and I was really hoping for some reduction in pain or signs of healing by now, but no luck for me! The pain is as excruciating as ever today and I can barely catch a wink of sleep. The only thing that really seems to help is sucking on ice cubes -- I have gone through about 20 trays of ice cubes so far.

    This blog is helpful and full of good comments with extra information covering different people's experiences -- thanks everyone for contributing!

  16. I am 38 years old and on day 7 including day of surgery. Not only did I have a tonsillectomy but I had my adenoids removed and septoplasty as well. Today was possibly the most pain, however that was early this morning as my throat dried up in the night. Have been trying hard to drink lots of fluids. Not an easy thing when everything hurts. No ice cream or milk products due to the phlegm. Have been living off of minimal amounts of jello and pureed peaches. Saw the Dr. Today and he said what everyone else keeps telling me. You're a trooper. I call bs. Tomorrow I get the stitches and stints removed from my nose. I hope this helps with my dry mouth at night. As long as this was worth it in the end. Sure doesn't seem that way now though. Good luck everyone.

  17. hey, i am 20 years old on day 7, i only feel pain in Pharynx now, i barely eat, because i experience a lot of pain when i am chewing.. i used to put food in the mixer to drink it, awful smell and taste but ur body needs good nutrition..

  18. I am a 34 year old woman, who had my tonsils out August 14, 2013. It's now day 6 and every day I have been in allot of pain. Specially towards the end of the day, middle of the night, and early mornings. Motrin liquid is every 6 hours and the liquid perk every 2/4 hours. Even though I am on schedule taking my pain medicine it's not even helping very much. I drink allot of water, soft foods, ginger ale helps upset stomachs. I still have my scabs, my thingy that hangs there is still swollen, but not like before. I drool like crazy, I have to constantly have to spit. I stay away from dairy products because that makes the Flem worse. Feels like something stuck in my throat and makes me cough. Coughing has been a issue for me, specially really cold water or medicine that burns your throat. I was a smoker before this, and let me tell you if you are one it's a perfect time to quit when you get your tonsils out. You'll be in so much pain you'll forget all about you ever smoked. Unless you want to be stupid and cause a infection be my guess. Anyway, I eat allot of popsicles, jello, mash potatoes, rice, apple sauce, rice noodle soup, and my favorite Chow Meine sandwich and Low Meine. Trying Mac and cheese tonight. I drink allot of water, ginger ale, and gatorade, tea and my favorite popsicles are rockets. Anyway everyone is different about how they heal. I was told it would get worse before it gets better at my age, so far that is true in my case.

  19. I'm a 19 year old female and I am just reading though these comments glad my pain is no where near as bad as everyone else's!
    I got my tonsils removed last Monday 29/06 and its now Sunday and I feel better than expected.
    The first day was easy. I felt no pain due to the anaesthetic until it wore out. I then started taking paracetamol/codeine along with my antibiotics. I ate soup once and the rest of the week until Friday I had an icy-pole here and there.
    On the Wednesday night I had terrible nausea and threw all my meds and water up. I went to the doctor on Thursday and he prescribed some metoclopramide to stop me from throwing up and stronger antibiotics than what I had been prescribed with from my surgeon. The antibiotics I am using now is Moxiclav Duo Forte 875/125.
    By Friday I managed to eat. I had a piece of fish for dinner and surprisingly managed to eat the majority of it.
    Saturday I was able to eat mac and cheese until I felt full for breakfast/lunch and a piece of cheesy garlic bread for dinner.
    During the week I tried to cough up my phlegm as much as I could and clear out the area. I've tried to sleep as much as I could too.
    Today is Sunday and I've got a slight cough and hardly any phlegm and I feel the best since surgery. I try and make sure I take a paracetamol/codeine tablet roughly every 4 hours to keep the pain under. My throat is still feels more tender than incredible pain. I can swallow fine, its the food that gets caught that causes the pain. Majority of the pain I feel at the moment is in the ears. It gets hard to sleep and think, but once my painkillers kick in I feel great.

  20. I am 32 add my tonsils out a week ago so I'm on day 7 and I just want to no if ppl are get ear pain like me it hurts so bad my ears feel worse than my throat and that's painful this is the worst surgery ever I've been up and out since day 2 keeping busy its the night time the is ridiculous I avnt slept rite for a week I'm counting down the days till the pain ends

  21. I had mine out Tuesday November 10th 2015. I'm 39 and i'm thinking it's getting better...the hydrocodone makes me sleepy and my appetite is thrown off.. i tried brushing my tongue earlier (big mistake) .. it's gross but just leave it trust me. The ear pain with throat burn is probably about a 7-8.5 in pain.. DO NOT GET BEHIND ON PAIN MEDS. Drink plenty of water Gatorade jello because i can't imagine adding preventable issues of dehydration or constipation to the line up. I'm hoping Tuesday my 1 week point is all downhill... day before yesterday i was actually thinking this isn't so bad. . My throat looked different then.. now i see lots of white not so much scab looking stuff idk but chewing hurts, coughing hurts... it comes in waves for me. I'm optimistic and so happy no more tonsil stones!

  22. I'm 38 and had mine out 6 days ago, soon to be 7 days. I am in terrible pain on the one side, like a sharp stabbing pain. I've had such a rough time getting water or any food in today, and that's adding to my general malaise. Please tell me this gets better...

  23. Today hasn't been too bad. It's mostly ear and jaw pain today. I'm finding a cool wash cloth on my neck and face seems to provide some relief. Otherwise I've taken to sticking my fingers in my ears which oddly seems to help (much to my partner's amusement - whatever helps really..)

    Absolutely keep up the water. Small sips all the time are magic to keeping the throat slick and hydrated. I've started taking the pain meds a little closer to ease the waves of pain. A mix of Endone, Panadol and Amoxicilin.

    Was able to have a whole bowl of packet porridge this morning, little bit of pizza at lunch and some chicken at dinner. Can usually get a few bites before the pain sets in.

    Overall my sleep hasn't been changed too much other than waking up in the middle of the night from the pain to take more meds than fall asleep again.

  24. 59 years old day 7 post op,eating drinking as normal from when I came around from theatre,sore throat but no worse than normal,taking paracetamol and ibuprofen,not strict only when I need them.the secret is chew bubble gum from the moment you get back to ward,nice juicy ones,drink all the time anything hot or cold,eat often eat everything even if only small amounts.get a humidifier for when asleep and such on throat sweets as soon as you wake up.

  25. I’ve just started day 7 and I haven’t taken pain medicine since 2AM. This was due to the extreme nausea and throwing up from my prescription meds. I was first prescribed liquid Tylenol; on day three I realized this wouldn’t be enough to ease the pain, so my doctor prescribed me Percocet. For me, the Percocet was giving me horrible hallucinations, nightmares and nausea. Every time I’ve taken the Percocets I’ve thrown up due to lack of appetite, dehydration etc. I cannot stress it enough how important it is to eat and drink fluids no matter how painful it may be. This was my biggest problem throughout this entire process. Today, despite the lack of pain medications, I’m not in as much pain as I would’ve thought. The one major problem I’m having is this ongoing ear ache. I would say the pain in my ears far exceeds the pain in my throat. I’m hoping that I can heal as soon as possible... I guess its all downhill from here.

    Good Luck everyone and stay strong :)
